
Catching The Z's

Little Stoney wasn't feeling too good yesterday and had a sick tummy, so we stayed home again. Who knows what his little puppy self got into to make him sick. So he had to eat rice for dinner last night and breakfast this morning. He wasn't really sure how to eat it, but he made sure there wasn't much left over. This morning he went to the vet to get some shots, one of which he had previously had a reaction to. So he got some Benedryl and we went off to Target for a couple items. He was such a good boy at the vet, so I bought him a new Nylabone.

Stoney's new BACON FLAVORED Nylabone. Well, he has a smaller
one so I bought him the biggest size they had. :)

After everybody got done oh-ing and ah-ing at the PUPPY in the store that looks just like Poppy and Miley and Joe Shmoe and that one black dog. When you walk into a store with a puppy, they either want to tell you all about the pets they've had in the past two hundred years or they just stop their cart and stare at him. So we made it out of the store without someone stealing the adorable black puppy. On the car ride home, he was sleeping like a rock. The Benedryl was taking it's toll. One positive was that he didn't change position three hundred times during a thirty minute ride! So he slept for several hours, and then suddenly became wide awake at dinner time. I wonder why? ;)

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